7 Smokable Herbs That You Can Grow which Aren’t Marijuana

Growing and Enjoying Non-Marijuana Smokable Plants

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore seven smokable plants that are not marijuana, providing you with an array of options to grow and enjoy. Whether you are seeking alternative smoking experiences or are simply curious about plants with smokable properties, this article will introduce you to some fascinating options.

1. Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus)

Mullein, also known as “nature’s torch,” is a tall, biennial plant that has been traditionally used for various medicinal purposes. However, it also offers an enjoyable smokable experience. The leaves of the mullein plant can be dried, crushed, and used as a base for herbal smoking blends. Its mild flavor and calming effect make it a popular choice among smoking enthusiasts.

2. Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Native to Central America, Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves that have been used for centuries due to their reputed aphrodisiac properties. Beyond its potential as an herbal remedy, Damiana leaves can be dried and smoked for a soothing and flavorful experience. The plant’s relaxing qualities make it a suitable choice for those looking to unwind and enjoy a mellow smoke.

3. Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

Coltsfoot, a perennial herb with distinctive yellow flowers, is known for its soothing effect on the respiratory system. Traditionally, Coltsfoot leaves have been used to ease coughs and respiratory discomfort. Additionally, the dried leaves can be prepared for smoking, offering a mild and smooth experience. Please note that it’s essential to use Coltsfoot in moderation, as excessive consumption may lead to potential health concerns.

4. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

Blue Lotus, an aquatic flower native to Egypt and parts of Asia, holds cultural and historical significance for its psychoactive properties. While not as potent as marijuana, Blue Lotus has been associated with a mild sedative and euphoric effect. The dried petals can be smoked, providing a unique and calming experience. However, it’s crucial to approach Blue Lotus with caution and research any legal considerations in your jurisdiction.

5. Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

Wild Lettuce, also known as “opium lettuce,” has long been used for its potential sedative and analgesic effects. The milky sap derived from the stems of this plant was historically prepared as a smokable substance. Today, the dried leaves can be used to create herbal smoking blends, offering a relaxing and mildly euphoric experience.

6. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Skullcap is an herbaceous perennial known for its calming properties and potential benefits for anxiety and insomnia. While commonly consumed as a tea or tincture, the dried leaves of Skullcap can also be used for smoking purposes. The herb imparts a subtle and relaxing effect, making it a favorable choice for individuals seeking a gentle smoking experience.

7. Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)

Raspberry Leaf, derived from the leaves of the raspberry plant, is a popular choice among herbalists for its potential health benefits. While often used in teas and tonics, the dried leaves can also be smoked. Raspberry Leaf imparts a mild, earthy flavor and is commonly combined with other herbs to create unique smoking blends. It provides a smooth and enjoyable smoke for those looking to explore natural alternatives.


In this article, we have delved into seven smokable plants that are not marijuana, offering you a diverse range of options to grow and enjoy. From the calming effects of Mullein and Damiana to the unique experiences provided by Blue Lotus and Wild Lettuce, each plant offers its own distinct characteristics and potential benefits. Remember to approach these plants with care, ensuring moderation and awareness of any legal restrictions in your area.

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