Sarsabz Urea and SarsabzNP, Sarsabz Can Prices in Pakistan Fatima Fertilizer.


Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited is a prominent player in Pakistan’s fertilizer industry, contributing significantly to the country’s agricultural growth. Known for its commitment to sustainable practices and innovative products, Fatima Fertilizer plays a vital role in supporting farmers and ensuring food security in the nation. In this article, we explore the company’s background, its contribution to the fertilizer sector, and its impact on society and the environment. We will also delve into the significance of its greenfield project establishment and the role it plays in meeting the growing demand for fertilizers in Pakistan.

A Fertilizer Powerhouse in Pakistan

Headquartered in Pakistan, Fatima Fertilizer operates a state-of-the-art fertilizer complex located in Sadiqabad, Punjab. As one of the leading fertilizer manufacturers in the country, the company produces a diverse range of fertilizers, including urea, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) blends. These fertilizers play a crucial role in enhancing agricultural productivity by providing essential nutrients to plants, thereby aiding in better crop yields. One of their significant products is the Babar Sher Urea, known for its effectiveness and quality.

Committed to Sustainability

Fatima Fertilizer is dedicated to implementing environmentally sustainable practices and ensuring the responsible use of fertilizers. The company places a strong emphasis on research and development, continuously working to develop innovative and efficient fertilizer products. By promoting sustainable agriculture, Fatima Fertilizer aims to contribute to Pakistan’s agricultural sector by improving crop yields and supporting farmers in maximizing their productivity. The Sarsabz Urea, one of their flagship products, stands as a testament to their commitment to eco-friendly and high-performing fertilizers.

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

Beyond their core business operations, Fatima Fertilizer actively engages in various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. These initiatives include community development programs, education support, healthcare projects, and environmental conservation efforts. The company strives to make a positive impact on society, giving back to the communities it serves. By investing in the welfare of the people and the environment, Fatima Fertilizer demonstrates its dedication to sustainable development. The Sarsabz Urea, alongside their CSR activities, showcases their holistic approach towards contributing to the greater good.

A Pioneer in the Industry: Greenfield Project

Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited holds the distinction of being the first and only greenfield project established under the 2001 Fertilizer Policy of the Government of Pakistan. This policy was formulated to encourage investment in the fertilizer industry, recognizing the increasing demand for fertilizers in the country. A greenfield project signifies the construction and development of new facilities or plants in an area where no previous infrastructure existed. In the case of Fatima Fertilizer, it represents the establishment of a modern and efficient fertilizer manufacturing complex.

Government’s Efforts for Agricultural Growth

The government’s support for greenfield projects in the fertilizer sector, like Fatima Fertilizer, reflects its commitment to attract investment and promote the expansion of the industry. With agriculture being the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, the importance of the fertilizer sector cannot be overstated. By encouraging private investment and fostering new ventures, the government seeks to address the country’s agricultural needs and enhance crop productivity. The Sarsabz Urea is a testament to the government’s vision of creating a self-sufficient and prosperous agricultural landscape.


Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited stands as a beacon of progress in Pakistan’s fertilizer industry. Through its diverse range of high-quality products, commitment to sustainability, and active participation in social and environmental initiatives, the company continues to support agricultural growth and positively impact society. As a pioneer greenfield project, Fatima Fertilizer plays a vital role in meeting the country’s growing demand for fertilizers. With its innovative approach and dedication to promoting sustainable practices, Fatima Fertilizer remains a key player in Pakistan’s journey towards agricultural prosperity. The Sarsabz Urea, along with its other offerings, will continue to empower farmers and contribute to a flourishing agricultural landscape in Pakistan.


Fertilizer Type Price

Sarsabz Urea 2440

Babar Sheer Urea 2440


Sarsabz urea and babr sheer urea prices maybe change in different locations.

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